Tuesday, 18 February 2014

End of Placement and Exam results

'So long.....' 'Farewell....'

'Take THAT maths!!!'

'zoooooooom', hear that? It's the sound of placement!

'Eurlashhhk', hear that? That's the sound I made when I got my exam results!

 There I was on my last day of placement, departing from my warm cosy bed at 5:30am to drag myself out into the freezing, wet cold weather so as to catch a train into London.... hang on its a tad windy out there isn't it? 

*looks out window*

 ........hmmm, there is alot of water too......

*checks train time*

Oh wonderful all trains before 10am are cancelled due to 'inclement' weather

*slaps forehead and falls back into bed*

So after calling my ward and explaining the situation, taking 1 and a half hours to complete a 20 minute journey and getting very wet and hacked off, I rocked up on my last day at 11:30am.

And breath......

 However after that dismal start I did have an absolutely wonderful day, with lots of laughing and chocolate (my leaving treat) and goodbyes. When I left at 8 that night I felt very proud of myself; I had completed 12 weeks of hard, testing and emotional placement and I can hand on heart say that it has changed the way I perceive illness and nursing, AND I'M STILL HERE!! I bloody did it and loved it! I left the hospital beaming and almost skipping to the station..... until I saw my train had been delayed by 50 minutes, it was raining and I had forgotten my umbrella.

*Sigh*, cant have it all I spose...

 Now I am sitting at home home, feeling stuffed after a very large portion of chips from the chippy, watching the winter Olympics, sipping red wine and still getting my head round the fact (an actual fact- written and everything!!) that I passed my nursing numeracy exam....

Please let that sink in......

 Me.... a person who has had to have life long one to one tutoring .... has been reduced to tears and throwing books (yes really..... sorry Mr Farrent) ...... who physically feels sick and jittery ..... whenever the dreaded word maths (ARGH!!) is uttered. 

But there it is, right THERE.... 82%

Beautiful beautiful number and that little 2% just makes it even sweeter!

The pass mark for the exam was 80%. I had pretty much written off getting a pass, the exam (in my mind) went terribly, I was going through it totting up all the marks I thought I'd lost and was pretty sure my summer would consist of more numbers and a resit. But no, I did it :D

Now I want to tell you (yes you, the one who like me trembles in a corner, rocking in a cold sweat whenever the words 'maths' and 'exam' co-inside).
If I can do it you can, you will have to work hard, watch other people 'get it' first time, feel stupid, feel worthless, feel like giving up and crying so many tears you have to change your pillow because its dripping.

But you can do it

If you want advice and tips on how I revised for the exam just email me (kimbers27290@gmail.com) and I will either write a post (depending on how many requests I get) or email you back with help.

 My other exam on human biology was a 40% pass and I got 62%, not amazing but as I have written before I am not academic and will never breeze exams and essays. I am very much the 'middle' in all things written, but like to think that what I lack in this area I make up for in the practical side of nursing..... which just reading the feedback in my placement documents makes me feel hopeful that this is the case :)

Until I blog again, 

Kimbers xXx

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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Next Post Coming Soonish

Hello lovely people!

Fear not- I am still here!


So basically I have written another post (all about my experience with Open Heart Surgery) and its all ready and eager to have your eyeballs eyeball it, however I have to hold off making it public until the 5th of March.

'WHY?!' I hear you gasp in exasperation!!

 Well I am lucky enough to have been given the opportunity for my blog to be published by britainsnurses.co.uk :D 

 Unfortunately they don't publish as fast as I write my blog updates and I've been told to hang fire until they have published it their end before I go live this end........ Does that make sense?!?

I hope so!

 But anyway I have decided to update just so you all know that I am surviving life and haven't run off into the sunset (be it a rather flooded sunset right now!) and forgotten all about blogging!

 I have only two days left at my placement now which makes me sad, but I have learnt so so much and am excited about heading back to uni so that my head may be filled with stuff to try and understand and get me all knowledgeable! 

 Please email me (kimbers27290@gmail.com) if you have any questions regarding any of my posts or if you would like me to cover something specific. 

As I said, I will put Heart Surgery post up as soon as I get the ok from t'other end- but keep eyes peeled on here in the mean time as I may get all spontaneous and post something interestingly nurseyfied! 

Tata for now!

Kimbers xXx

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