Wednesday 31 December 2014

A bit of this and a bit of that

Hello You Wonderful People!

Have a good Christmas did we?

Looking forward to getting (respectedly) plastered tonight to see in 2015 with a -hic- bang?!?

I hope so! I will be... well maybe minus copious amounts of alcohol, but I fully plan to wave goodbye to 2014 in style!

This usually means going down the pub, making ridiculous new years resolutions (I WILL run 5k this year without needing resuscitation!) and writing up my death list for next year.... cheery bunch me and my friends ;) 

 But really this year has been alright to me, I passed my first year of nursing after all- something which, at times, seemed inconceivable and I came to the realisation that I am made from the right stuff to be a nurse- and be a bloody good one :)

 So where am I right now?

...... In my front room...... sorry..... ;)

 I am just about to start an 8 week placement on a general ward. I have mixed feelings about this; I have always seen myself specialising in something, seeing 'general' as wishywashy, knowing alot about alot but not settled on anything in particular. But then I also want to experience this more traditional area of nursing, REAL nursing I suppose as you must be able to turn your hand to anything thrown at you: big, small, bad, very bad, tummy based, lung based, bone based, unknown based.... its endless!!

 I think this placement will be far more demanding of me than my previous ones, not only because I am now a second year with good experience which means higher expectations but also because this ward will be MANIC! Not that my others weren't, but they were manic in the same way. Because this ward is general it will have far more areas that things can go wrong in, which means you have to have knowledge in all these areas and know what to do in all of these situations..... argh!!!

 BUT! This is all part of it and I want to be pushed and challenged.... gulp!

See you in 2015 all you nursey people :D

Kimbers xXx

Happy-New-Year-Copy.jpg (1024×768)
DSC05446.JPG (500×741) P.S Why can't they bring back this uniform?!? I would love nothing more than to be dressed as Alice in Wonderland while nursing sick children!!